Youth Arts Small Grant – Give Me Back My Drum!

Youth Arts Small Grant – Give Me Back My Drum!

Give Me Back My Drum!

Delivering storytelling to just under 300 preschool children throughout Moray in August to November 2021 as part of the Youth Arts Small Grant funded by Findhorn Bay Arts and Creative Scotland as part of a  Covid recovery initiative.

Halfway through this project I thought of another meaning to the title, Give Me back My Drum! . It could be seen as call to action, to reclaim music and give it back to the people from whom it has been stolen. But to be honest I had just heard a great story from the Irish storyteller Liz Weir about the first cat being a drummer and I adapted the story to add to my collection of stories for young children and made up a rhythmic call and response where we all shout…. Yes you guessed it, Give me back my drum! We had a lot of fun. Originally, I had hoped to work with a violinist I have worked with in the past on storytelling projects, but as Covid insecurities were rampant, it ended up with just myself as the storyteller and musician in The project would not have gone ahead without my collaborator, Laura Russell, The Early years Officer at Moray Council `s Education Department. Laura confirmed that there was such a need for specialists to visit preschool centres especially after the recent restrictions and she was keen on storytelling and drumming so we enthusiastically put a plan together and were delighted to get the go ahead for this. Laura used to work for Earthtime and is a keen advocate for outdoor learning. I come form a performance background and though I love the outdoors myself, they were firmly separate things in my mind! But she persuaded me to offer outdoor sessions and it made sense to be in the fresh air with Covid concerns. Telling stories under a tree in Cooper Park, Elgin, with two ravens sitting on a branch above listening along with the children was so magical. Probably they were waiting to see what snacks the children had left – but it makes a good story.

Lots to learn though. A few tricky moments as there always are – the irony of me telling stories about nature in an outside den – only to be visited by some hungry wasps and me left alone trying to stay calm as the staff ran off to grab a jar or something to catch them in. As for myself – it seems an ongoing play between being a storyteller and a drummer and how to put these two together. Long may it continue.

The pictures are from Earthtime Outdoor Nursery