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Somehow managing to switch from a teaching degree to a drama degree many years ago I entered the world of story through working in community theatre performing storytelling shows in schools and mostly community venues. At Beyond the Border storytelling festival in the early 90s, camping near the open fire which luckily for us, was tended to by Scottish Traveller storyteller Duncan Williamson. Hearing His stories and storytelling had a huge effect on me. There was something about them. Then the inauguration for The Society for Storytelling in Birmingham – accompanied by bag pipes and meaningful ceremony, with talks

Drum and Percussion

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"The spirit of the drum is something that you feel but cannot put your hands on, It does something to you from the inside out . . . It hits people in so many different ways. But the feeling is one that is satisfying and joyful. It is a feeling that makes you say to yourself, ' I'm glad to be alive today! I'm glad to be part of this world!" Whether to expand your rhythmic vocabulary for jamming with others or for self-expression, drumming has potential to bring about healing and a feeling

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